
Ontario Wood Partner


The winter newsletter from Ontario Wood will surface soon and it has a great profile on Faroe Woodworks. This a program designed to bring attention to the many uses of local Ontario woods in all different types of projects; from crafts, toys and tiny objects to full construction, carpentry and furniture. I believe in the importance of learning your local trees and for what purposes these woods were traditionally used. This also includes the salvaging of old timbers and barn wood from abandoned barns and homes and effectively managing healthy, sustainable forests in Ontario.

I posted a super cool film from the National Film Board of Canada on my personal twitter page about a year ago but it’s a fitting video to watch here.  A craftsman from the Manawan Reserve near Montreal displays the traditional craft of building a canoe entirely from the surrounding woods. 

And I’ll leave you with a beautiful poem from Gary Snyder’s The Back Country - Foxtail Pine