Team Faroe is Growing!


As spring eludes us and summer hints at warmth we can't quite fully remember, Faroe Woodworks has put the thinking toque back on for the evolving nature of expansion and creativity. When time has a way of rolling along, we sometimes have to let the current take control and follow its natural winding path. Where it will go, we don't yet know, but it sure is fun being picked up and sent along. The next step in rooting the family tree for Faroe Woodworks is by bringing on more family. We are finding Faroe is taking on a shape of its own, but that's a lucky thing we don't take lightly, so here's to blowing the leaves around a bit, and staying productive. Kevin Cahill, my brother (pictured here with his baby daughter Sian), has joined the team as an operational release valve, and will continue to help us push the boulder up the mountain. We are more than happy with gaining the brotherly creative help as we build and maintain our defining principles - strong and passionate work ethic and drive; open communication and topflight customer service; and a ever-growing attention to detail and craft.