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When we were young I don't think I could have imagined a scenario where we were working this closely and this together. Being twins was a blast when growing up - all the benefits of having a best friend and confidante and philosophical partner-in-crime - where we could talk and share everything happening around us and be locked in, even when that telepathic twin thing took over when we didn't have to verbalize it. But as we got older I always saw us moving a little farther apart metaphorically so we could each stretch our wings and do our own thing without having to default back to the 'twin' powers. I went and moved to Toronto and got married years ago and now we have our beautiful daughter Sian. And as it turns out, a few years pass and now we live a ten minute walk from Patrick and his wife Madeleine (and their daughter on the way too!) in the east end of Toronto. As far as we move away physically from each other somehow after those great distances, somehow we end up back closer together. We work well together, we've played music for upwards of 20 years, we've travelled across Canada and USA in bands and in a simple brother duo formation most recently, and it seems to keep us energized. That's the family vibe, blood runs thickest...

My background is music and music copyright and publishing, I've worked a bunch on solo music and ran a record label and mixtape series and was generally A-OK with that path. Patrick was the carpenter watching youtube videos of proper power tool techniques and reading Fine Homebuilding magazine while I watched rare Indian Classical videos and was reading The Wire magazine. Pretty different hobbies and tastes when you break it all down. 

Patrick needed a hand behind-the-scenes and we both realized that my creative thinking-outside-the-box brain could help out. And it's working. We balance each other out, he brings the technical specifications and how-to wisdom and thinking-on-his-feet improvisational skillset, and I bring the organizational, planning-ahead and artistic angle, I think I'm able to see projects at greater distances while he stays close under the craftsman's eye. Where can we go with this? What are the goals here? We can learn from each other and then who knows...

That's the idea of family operated to us: togetherness and sharing. Open to see things in new ways by sharing our diverse viewpoints and open to letting the expertise shine where that expertise may fall. There's more to business than swinging a hammer or running a payroll cycle. There's the lifeblood that runs through it all, the passion and creativity and quest to learn more, to learn more about the trades and the design. Construction can be a lot of things, and we get to choose how that will unfold. We want to make sure that our clients absolutely love the finished product, and we want them to know that we love doing this and working collaboratively to realize those dreams too.

Our team will always operate like a small family, we have trusting, spirited co-workers with integrity and drive. We'll learn from each other. Faroe then can be an extension of our family energy, hungry to learn more and never content to play it safe. 

Our mission statement: Kick ass every single day. 

You work hard for family because it means something.